Holding on to the Hope of Easter.

Tomorrow is Good Friday.  Some say that it’s the day that Christians mourn Jesus’ death.  When we mourn something we feel or express sorrow or grief due to a loss such as death.

When Jesus’ disciples mourned His death, there was no such thing as Good Friday.  For them, there was nothing good about it. They most likely felt heavy sorrow, hopelessness, fear, despair, and confusion because they didn’t yet fully understand everything that Jesus had been trying to convey to them about His death and resurrection.  Their beloved Savior had been beaten, tortured and hung to die on a cross and they greatly struggled to make sense of it all.

Thousands of years later, we have the benefit of knowing the splendorous outcome; Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  We know that on the third day from Good Friday comes Easter, the day that we celebrate the joyful, glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection, we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life!

Good Friday calls us to solemnly remember and thank God for what He, out of His great love, went through for us. It should be a stark reminder of just how desperate our situation is due to our sinfulness.  We were so far gone that nothing we could ever do would make things right with God from whom we had been estranged. Our sin, so serious, that God Himself in the form of Jesus had to come down to this earth He created and die and agonizing death so that we might live!

For me, I will not be mourning Jesus’ death on Good Friday. Jesus’ death is not a loss to be mourned, but an indescribable gain!  I will, however, be mourning my sin that caused my God to bear the agony of the cross for me so that I might live.  I will give thanks and praise to Jesus for His undying love and sacrifice.  I will pray for those who have not yet accepted His free gift of eternal life.

Like Jesus’ disciples who had no idea what God was up to that first Good Friday, this year many find themselves feeling the same way the disciples did when their world was turned upside down. This pandemic has incited much sorrow, fear, and confusion as well.

Pandemic or no pandemic, Easter is coming; the day when Christians celebrate Christ’s victory over death.  We may be celebrating Easter differently this year because of a virus, but we still have just as much to celebrate as any other year!  The meaning of Easter is still the same. God is still the same.  His power over death is just as alive now as it was the day He rose from the grave!  Let us remember, celebrate, and hold on to that hope!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”  John 11:25

O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?”  1 Corinthians 15:55


**Would you like to know more about Jesus and how through Him you can have a relationship with God?  Maybe you’re not sure if there really is a God or how He can help you?  The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has a great website called Peace With God which can help you find peace with God today.  If you’d like to know God and find His peace, click on the link  here.



God’s Life-Giving Gifts Through a Deadly Virus


                                                                           God’s Perfect Timing     

A pandemic smack dab in the middle of Lent!  Uncanny, right?  During lent believers are called upon to reflect, repent, and recognize God and His place in our lives. We’re encouraged to spend more time in God’s Word, and prayer. We give thanks during this season and recognize God’s provision in our lives as we prepare to celebrate the ultimate sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Some forgo the option of Lent because of a disbelief in God and others because life’s distractions are allowed to get in the way.  Yet here we are, stripped of many of those distractions. Things we tend to idolatrize such as our economy, sports, money, jobs, entertainment, and casinos, are unavailable to us. Our health and the health of our loved ones which we often take for granted is being threatened.  Essentials like toilet paper and hand sanitizer have become a sought after commodity.

Countless people have been forced to stay home with their children with the shutting down of public and private school systems and daycare centers.  Numerous families thrust together, holed up in their homes day after day and scores of families such as mine, separated due to quarantines and self-isolation/social distancing.  We have no idea when this is going to end and what the long-lasting repercussions will be.  For everyone, life as we know it has come to a screeching halt.

The dictionary definition of the word halt means; to bring or come to an abrupt stop. Demand or order a stop. Is it possible that God has demanded or ordered that we come to a complete stop of what we’re doing? Perhaps this coronavirus outbreak, it’s repercussions, and the battle against it that is ensuing is an incredible blessing, a gift from God.


                                                       A Gift Needs to be Opened. 

There is no doubt in my mind that God in His love and mercy is giving us an opportunity to be blessed mightily through the crisis known as the Coronavirus Pandemic. But these opportunities can only be blessings if we embrace these opportunities put before us while we have the chance. What are a small few of these blessings and opportunities?

  • Many parents now have more time with their children and vice versa.  They now possess more precious time to love and hug them more and to teach them the love and forgiveness of God, to influence them toward Christ.  Families may have more time to spend just being and connecting, not always doing.
  • Many have more time and more reason than ever to reflect and pray about how we have been living our lives, our relationship with God and others.
  • For families quarantined or self-isolating together, we have more opportunities for closeness, to practice patience and forgiveness and giving thanks that we can be together.
  • For families who are separated due to quarantine and self-isolation, we are given a new appreciation for each other.
  • We have an opportunity to appreciate all the things we have foolishly taken for granted and give thanks and praise to the One who has blessed us with those things.
  • The realization of the fragility of life and our lack of control, which pushes us to seek God all the more.  For some, it has pushed them to seek God for the first time.
  • For the church, this is our time to shine!   We have been given an enormous opportunity to give those who are anxious and fearful the reason for our hope which is Jesus Christ.  Times like these are perfect for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  Talk about open doors!  God has flung the doors wide open!!
  • This is also a great opportunity to obey the greatest commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves by taking our focus off of ourselves and focus on others in need because it really is better to give than receive.
  • For our divided government leaders, this is an occasion to stop the insane divisions, and disagreements and work together for the good of our nation and the world.
  • This is a chance to realize that God is our true source of provision and security, not our government, economy or stocks and bank accounts.
  • Most importantly, this is an opportunity to see the error of our ways as individuals, a nation, and as a world and repent!

What can you add to this list?  More importantly, will you open these gifts?


                                                    God Brings Life Through Death

Some may wonder how this pandemic could ever be a gift when so many are dying.  Many people have lost loved ones to this horrible virus.  My heart and prayers go out to them.  I cannot imagine their pain!

But our priorities and agendas often tend to be different than God’s.  I believe that God’s number one priority in this crisis is for the salvation of souls.  As 2 Peter 3:9 states, God does not want anyone to perish but wants everyone to repent.

In our fallen nature, we have a pitiful habit of relegating God to the backseat when life is easing along to our satisfaction.  For some, He’s not allowed in the car at all. It is when we are in pain and in desperate need that we begin to seek God, the God Who is our Provider, our Comforter, our Source of life.

Pain, heartache, despair, confusion, fear, uncertainty, loss; these are often the driving forces behind our desire to seek out God.  For many of us, it may take death or the threat of death to cause us to seek the Giver of life. God uses death to bring many to life, specifically eternal life!  God having to send His beloved Son Jesus Christ to die so that we might live is the perfect example.  Only God can bring forth life through death.


                                                                 Concern vs Worry

There are 2 lanes in the road ahead; the lane of concern and the lane of worry.  Through prayer, Bible reading and time spent with God, I am striving to stay in the concerned lane.  But the worry lane at times seems much more inviting.  At first glance, it seems wider, easier, more comfortable. When I inspect it more closely, however, I can see the lane is thick with muck and mire, and that once I thrust my foot in there, like quicksand it will suck me down into its grasp, making it extremely difficult to near impossible to escape its grasp.

Let’s eagerly seek God’s comfort, assurance, and peace in all of this.  Let’s endeavor to be concerned without fretting. We are commanded in Philippians 4:6,7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  Why?  Because God loves us and wants us to trust Him no matter what the circumstances. His desire is for us to have peace and He made NO exceptions for the situations in which we are to Trust Him.

This is by no means an easy journey we are on right now.  God never promised us an easy time in this broken world.  I struggle at times with what’s happening.  Again, the worry lane can seem more inviting at times, but it’s not the lane God wants us to travel.

When things don’t make sense and we see pain and suffering all around us and on the road ahead, God’s children are strengthened and encouraged in remembering that their loving, merciful, all-knowing, all-encompassing God of the Bible that loves them, can make beauty from ashes, turn a mess into a message, and bring life through death.  God is so good!

                                                               Special Prayers

**First responders, healthcare workers, supermarket employees, and others have been called upon to work longer hours, and have been taken away from their families. But as my husband likes to say, “God is a great multitasker.”  He can bring forth good from the very worst and tragic of situations. He knows the needs of each and every person. He can bring forth blessings in their situations as well through their trust in Him.  Let’s keep these brave men and women in our prayers!